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Core Direction!

This is your Quickstart Guide.

Learn how to utilise the Core Direction platform to be the Fittest, Happiest & Healthiest version of you!

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Core Direction
Core Direction

Connect your Phone or Wearable Device

Connect a device to the Core Direction app to start collecting points for your steps & active heart rate. We have compatibility for 95% of wearables, view the compaitiblity list to learn how to connect yours.

View Connection Guides Download App

How To Earn Core Points

Each day you can earn up to a maximum of 10 Core Points per day towards your Total Core Points. We take only your highest score of the day.

Click to see the full score breakdown!

Maximum of 7 Core Points per day

Create an activity & add to your calendar = 4 Core Points

Share with a friend who accepts the invite = +3 Core Points

+7 Accept a friends activity invite

Maximum of 10 Core Points per day

1000 Steps = 1 Core Point

10,000 Steps = 10 Core Points

Maximum of 10 Core Points per day

3 Active Heart Rate Minutes = 1 Core Point

30 Active Heart Rate Minutes = 10 Core Points

Click here to learn more about Active Heart Rate Points

Maximum of 10 Core Points per day

Book an Activity = 7 Core Points

Check-In to the Activity = +3 Core Points

Maximum of 3 Core Points per day

Watch one video = 3 Core Points

Core Direction

Challenges & Leaderboards

Join The Challenge! Compete agaisnt the Core Direction community in challenges and track your progress on our live community leaderboards! Check the Challenge info each month to see what prizes are up for grabs.

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Join a Community

Join some of the UAE's most vibrant communities, connect with like-minded individuals, and book wellness activities that perfectly match your interests!

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Core Direction

Turn on notifications to receive inspiring reminders throughout your day!

Core Direction

Keep an Activity Diary

Add your activites to your own personal calendar and invite your friends to join your #inpsiringmovement.

Add Activity

Watch On-Demand Video

Browse our a library of hand selected wellness content which includes, online workouts, inspiring talks & podcasts, educational talks and more, all themed around making your the best version of you!

Watch Now!
Core Direction

Inspire your friends, meet like minded people & grow your community!

Healthy Habits

Core Direction


Try guided Box-Breathing & Resonance Breathing inside the Core Direction app to relax and de-stress!

Core Direction


Did you get 7 hours of sleep last night? Track your daily sleep to make sure you're getting enough beauty sleep!

Core Direction


Make sure you're staying hydrated with our daily water trackers inside the Core Direction App

Still Have Questions?

Chat with our AI Customer Support or check out our extensive users guides to for further information on the entire Core Direction Platform.

Core Direction