Join an
Inspiring Movement

Find your tribe and unlock the path towards a fitter, healthier, happier you.

Core Direction Core Direction

Empowering you to take charge and be the best version of yourself.

Core Direction

Find inspiring people, communities, events & experiences

Core Direction

Tap into motivation from the tribe and in app gamification.

Core Direction

Stay healthy and active; thrive for yourself and those around you.

Invest in your future by keeping active!

Heart Health

Heart disease remains the leading global cause of death, just 10,000 steps per day can greatly reduce your risk.

Mental Health

Mental health issues affect millions worldwide. Being part of our community can help keep your body and mind healthy.

Combat Stress

Chronic stress is a global epidemic impacting overall health. Exercise and physical activity are proven to reduce stress.

Unlock Your True Potential!

Become the inspiration and inspire others.
  • ⁠Improve fitness, body composition & overall health
  • ⁠⁠Stay focused, motivated and inspired
  • Become part of a supportive community
  • Be the very best version of yourself
Core Direction
Core Direction

Core Health Coach App

A trusted guide for a fitter, healthier, happier life.

Lives Inspired


Steps in 2024


Active HR Mins 2024

Core Direction

Qasim Khan -

"Core Direction has totally changed how I go after my goals. From the get-go, it’s kept me focused and motivated!"

Core Direction

Devon -

"This APP has helped hold me accountable to do some sort of fitness activity daily!"

Core Direction

Laura Lowe -

"I love Core Direction! It has helped me stay motivated and made working towards my goals easy. Highly recommend!"

It's Easy To Get Started..

Download App

Create your account & build your social profile.


Connect Device

Connect your phone or wearable device. Click here to find out how.


Join Communities

Browse communities, add friends and find your tribe.


Earn Points

Earn points for steps, active HR, logging activities and more.


Start Your Journey Today

Download the app and create your account to start earning points with every step. Join challenges, connect with communities, and be part of an #InspiringMovement. Begin today!

Core Direction

Join the #inspiringmovement

We believe that movement inspires movement. That movement inspires health & happiness. That everyone has the ability to be the inspiration they once looked for in others. Who will you inspire?